Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hi my names Tabby, by my mommy calls me Pookie Bear. I'm only a year and a half old but i've already done so many exciting things! I have a sister named Lucy, we have the same birthday so that makes her 1 1/2 too. I now live in Morgantown,WV with my mommy and her three other roommates. I love my new house, I have my own room and theres always people around to play with. I used to live in Hagerstown, MD with my old family, now I live with my mommy. My old house had a little kid he'd always pull my tail and be mean to me. Even though that happened almost daily to me and my sister I still kinda miss them :( I still get to see them sometimes though.

Here's a map of where I live and where my roomates are from, I also added in some of my favorite places. Ohhh and I also have a facebook and myspace account... you should be my friend because I don't really have that many :(
Oh yea I forgot I put my pics of Flickr so you can see more of me and my friends there!

I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go take a nap but I'll be back later to tell you a little bit more about myself!

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