Thursday, April 3, 2008


welllll lastnight something crazy happened to me... you'll never guess what it was! I GOT TRAPPED IN THE BASEMENT. I don't think you understand our basement is SCARY! Well, I guess I should start from the beginning...

Chris, my mommy's boyfriend went downstairs to do some laundry (our washer is in the basement) soooooooo I was curious so I went downstairs behind him. I made sure he didn't see me because I knew I would get yelled at. See my sister Lucy always runs down in the basement and gets yelled at and I'm sort of the shy one so I've never tried to go down ... until lastnight. And I can bet you that it will be my last....

I can't talk about this right now I'm still a little shook up I'll tell you more about it some other time.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm Baccccccccck

Sorry I was missing for so long, I couldn't get on the computer because before my mommy left she turned it off. But anyway I have so much to tell you about last week. Well for starters ALL of my roommates left for a week. It was insane me and my sister got to stay in the house all by ourselves. The first couple of days were crazy we got into a lot of trouble... for starters we got to eat the palm tree plant everyyyyyyytime someones home we get introuble for chomping on that, but its soo delicious I just cant resist. Then we got to lay on everyones bed whenever we wanted without getting shooed off. And then we got to have a babysitter. Justine was her name, she's a friend of my mommys. Anyway she was sooo cool everytime she came over we got to play with string and catnip and she played with us the whole time. She even gave us food and water and changed our litter. When she would come over around 5 o'clock I just couldn't wait it was probably the best part of my day. Oh yeah I forgot me and my sis even went around and clawed the crap out of the toilet paper roles and trashbags. Everyone was soo mad about that when they got home. Opps and we accidently knocked over our other roommates full length mirror and it broke. We were playing hide and seek and when Lucy found me I started running and ran right into it and it fell over... shhh don't tell anyone I told you it was us.! Oh yea andddddddd we even got to chew this pen made of feathers and then umm all the feather got chewed off so we tried to hide it but my mommy ended up finding it when she came home. I can't believe it we hid it under the bed who would ever look under there? Well, I don't want to wear you out all at the same time soo i'll save some storys for later... we'll i'll be back later!

Monday, March 17, 2008

i'm back

Well hiding her things didn’t work; I just got yelled at and put in a different room. Oh well at least I tried. Since I had nothing to do after that I just ended up playing with my catnip toy with my sister. Sometimes she doesn’t know how to play nice so we end up getting into fights. But obviously I always end up wining haha. It’s funny because my mommy and her friends always tell us to stop and I think it’s because they think were really going to hurt each other. They don’t know that were just playing around and I would never hurt my sis and she would never hurt me. Ah I can hear my dinner being poured into my bowl I gotta go!
soooo I think my mommy is going away somewhere. Her suitcase is out and she has been getting things ready all day long. I hope I get to go, even though car rides make me kind of queasy and I have to sit in this tiny little cage. I keep getting in the suitcase so she doesn’t forget to pack me but I just get in trouble every time I do it. That leads me to believe that I won’t be going with her. I hate when she leaves and leaves me and my sister here. It’s fun for a day or two until I really miss her and wish she would come back.

I’m going to try and hide my mommy’s things so she won’t be able to pack for her trip. Be back later!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hey I'm done taking my nap so I thought I'd fill you in on a very big part of my life that I left out last time... I forgot to mention that I was a cat! I'm a calico cat, that means I have a little bit of brown, black and white. I have short hair, but my sister has long hair. Sometimes I wonder if were really sisters because she looks nothing like me. Well here I can actually show you a picture of us ...


Hi my names Tabby, by my mommy calls me Pookie Bear. I'm only a year and a half old but i've already done so many exciting things! I have a sister named Lucy, we have the same birthday so that makes her 1 1/2 too. I now live in Morgantown,WV with my mommy and her three other roommates. I love my new house, I have my own room and theres always people around to play with. I used to live in Hagerstown, MD with my old family, now I live with my mommy. My old house had a little kid he'd always pull my tail and be mean to me. Even though that happened almost daily to me and my sister I still kinda miss them :( I still get to see them sometimes though.

Here's a map of where I live and where my roomates are from, I also added in some of my favorite places. Ohhh and I also have a facebook and myspace account... you should be my friend because I don't really have that many :(
Oh yea I forgot I put my pics of Flickr so you can see more of me and my friends there!

I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go take a nap but I'll be back later to tell you a little bit more about myself!